NickServ Guide - Version 1.1

Derived from a series by Raven (former Customer Service Coordinator)

1. Introduction to NickServ
NickServ is, like the other Services (ChanServ, MemoServ), basically a Bot who assists you while you are using the Gamers-IRC IRC Network. NickServ especially takes care of all Nickname Operations like registrating, setting Options, adding Hostmasks to the Nickname Accesslist and many other things which I want to describe here in this Document. NickServ is always present on the Network so you are able to use it whenever you log on. If you need help while using NickServ you can either use the Command /nickserv help in your IRC Client or you can check in #irc-help where the IRC Operators are present to assist you with any Problems or Questions which might arise.

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2. General NickServ Commands
In this Section I want to list a few Nickname related Commands you will most likely encounter more than one time during your daily activities on the Gamers-IRC IRC Network :

2.1 WHOIS / WHOWAS - Example : /WHOIS Nickname
This will give you a few more Information about the Person behind the Nickname you entered. It will only show additional Information if that Person is online on the Gamers-IRC IRC Network at the moment.

The Server will reply with the following Information : (as Example I used Jimmy as Nickname - so /WHOIS Jimmy)

Jimmy is jim@hostmask * Joe
Jimmy on #irc-help @#jimmy +#jimmys-world
Jimmy using Gamers-IRC IRC Chat Server
Jimmy has been idle 2mins 35secs, signed on Sun Jul 23 01:48:50
Jimmy End of /WHOIS list.

As Hostmask you will see your own because we restricted Access to seeing Hostmasks of other Users on the Gamers-IRC IRC Network due to security reasons. Only IRC Operators are able to see the real Hostmask.
The first line is his Nick "Jimmy" then his identd "jim" (you can change that in your IRC Client) and after the * additional Information (normally described as Full Name, you can change this one in your IRC Client, too).
The second line you can see in which Channels Jimmy is right now (as long as the Channel is not secure or private, then it won't show up) and which Status he has in these Channels. The @ means Channel Operator Status, the + means that he is voiced in the Channel and if there is nothing given he is a normal User with no special Status in this Channel.
The third line shows you the IRC Server Jimmy is currently connected, too. You normally always connect to and then you are routed (based on the amount of Users online) to one Server in the Gamers-IRC IRC Network.
In the fourth line you can see how long Jimmy has been idle (since he last said anything) and when he logged onto this IRC Server. The Idle and Logon-time Information will automatically show up if you are on the same IRC Server as the person you did the WHOIS on.
If you are not on the same Server you can look it up, too by writing /WHOIS Nickname Nickname. Simply put the Nickname two times in the command line. It may take a bit longer to get the Information then but it does work.

Two more lines will be visible of the person you did the WHOIS on is an IRC Operator on the Gamers-IRC Network :

Jimmy is jim@hostmask * Joe
Jimmy on #irc-help @#jimmy +#jimmys-world
Jimmy using Gamers-IRC IRC Chat Server
Jimmy is an IRC Operator - Network Programmer
Jimmy has been idle 2mins 35secs, signed on Sun Jul 23 01:48:50
Jimmy looks very helpful.
Jimmy End of /WHOIS list.
This is the way you can identify IRC Operators. The Title behind the "IRC Operator -" tells you the Title and the Task of the IRCOp (This is only visible if the IRCOp is on his/her registrated Nickname). WHOIS works on all Nicks that are currently online even if they are unregistered.

The WHOWAS Command is similar to WHOIS but looks through the Memory of the irc server and tells you if a person with this Nick was online before. The Information you are getting from the Server are more scarce in this case :

Jimmy was jim@hostmask * Joe
Jimmy using Gamers-IRC IRC Chat Server Sun Nov 14 10:51:34 1999
I simply entered /whowas Hank and he told me when this Person was online and which Server he/she used but nothing else. This Command works on both registered and unregistered Nicknames.

2.2 INFO - Example : /nickserv INFO Nickname
This Command returns you more Information about the person who registered the Nickname :

Jimmy is Joe
Time registered: Jan 16 13:14:56 2000 MST
Last seen time: Mar 18 16:44:43 2000 MST
Last quit message: Quit: Leaving
Options: Kill protection

If the user is online you will see the following information

Jimmy is Joe
Jimmy is currently online.
Time registered: Jan 16 13:14:56 2000 MST
Options: Kill protection

The information which is displayed depends on the settings enabled by the nicknames owner.
The first line tells you the Nickname and the Name (which may be changed in your IRC client), The Second line shows you the date and time when this Person registered his/her Nickname.
The Third line lists the last seen time. This tells you the time the User was last online with thier Nickname.
The fourth line or Last Quit Message displays the the text of the last quit message they used. This may be defined in your IRC Client. or by using /quit *Message*
The fifth line lists the security options activated by the nicknames owner. Please read further down for more Information and how you can use these security options.

2.3 STATUS - Example : /nickserv STATUS Nickname1 Nickname2...
Returns whether the user using the given Nickname is recognized as the Owner of the Nickname.
The response has this format : Nickname Status-Code
Where Nickname is the Nickname sent with the command, and Status-Code is one of the following :

0 - no such user online or Nickname not registered
1 - user not recognized as Nickname's owner
2 - user recognized as owner via access list only
3 - user recognized as owner via password identification
Up to sixteen Nicknames may be sent with each command; the rest will be ignored.
No error message is generated if no Nickname is given.

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3. How to register Nicknames / Nickname Passwords
The most basic Feature of NickServ and the most important is your Ability to register a special Nickname for your own private use. If you register it no one else is able to use it as long as they they do not know the Password you selected.
To register nickname simply change your nick to the one you want with /nick NewNickName (if you are getting a NickServ Message that this Nick is already registered someone was faster than you and you have to choose another one) then use the Command /nickserv REGISTER password. Now you will get a Message that the Nickname of your choice has been registered and a confirmation for the Password you used.

Nickname Jimmy registered under your account: jimmy@*
Your password is FiDo1165 - remember this for later use.
(Note: Jimmy's password isn't really FiDo1165 this is just an example.)

Guidelines on choosing passwords :
Passwords should not be easily guessed. For example, using your real name as a password is a bad idea. Using your nickname as a password is a much worse idea ;) and, in fact, NickServ will not allow it. Also, short passwords are vulnerable to trial-and-error searches, so you should choose a password at least 5 characters long. Finally, the space character cannot be used in passwords. The best passwords are a combination of both letters and numbers and could also contain be mixed case letters.

Once your nick is registered, you can use the SET ACCESS commands to configure your nick's settings as you like them. Make sure you remember the password you use when registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick later.
(Note that the password is case specific! FIDO1165, Fido1165, FiDo1165, and fido are all different passwords!). Also please note that registered Nicknames expire after 30 days with no activity.

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4. Using a registrated Nickname
By Default your personal Hostmask is added to the Access List of the Nickname so that you can use the Nickname without having to enter the Password all the time. However you must identify yourself with the Password if you wish to customize the Nickname's Options or if you want to be auto op'd onto a Channel with Secure Ops turned on. (for more Information check the ChanServ Guide).
To identify yourself simply switch to your registered Nickname with /nick NewNickName. NickServ now tells you that you have about one Minute or less (depending on the nick's options) to identify yourself as the real owner of that NickName. This Message only comes up if the Hostmasks on the nick's accesslist does not match your current hostmask. (IE: You are using a different Internet Service Provider, you are logging on from another Computer, or your mirc ident has changed).
Now you have to enter the command, /nickserv identify YourPassword in your IRC Client. This will submit the Password that you entered to NickServ. If the submitted password matches the registered one then NickServ will send you the following message.

Password accepted - you are now recognized.

If it is not successful you receive the following error message

Password incorrect.

If the password was incorrect then you have time for a couple more tries before NickServ automatically changes your current Nick to Guest###### (###### = random Number).

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5. Managing the Nickname Access list
The Access list of a Nickname includes addresses which will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the Nickname. If you want to use the Nick from a different address, you need to use the IDENTIFY command described above. For certain features NickServ will still ask you to identify before allowing you to change them.

There are three Commands to manage the Nickname's Access list : ADD, DEL, LIST Hostmasks.

Examples :
/nickserv ACCESS ADD achurch@*
Allows access for user achurch from any machine in the domain.

/nickserv ACCESS DEL achurch@*
Reverses the previous command.

/nickserv ACCESS LIST
Displays the current access list for the Nickname you are currently using.

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6. Linking Nicknames with each other
You can link your Nickname to another, effectively making the registered nick that you are currently using an alias for the specified registered Nick. When you use this Command, the Access list for the Nick you are using is deleted and replaced by that of the Nick you are linking to; all Memos (see the memoserv guide) for the current Nick are added to the list of Memos for the Target Nick (this may cause the Nick to exceed its limit of Memos, in which case you will need to delete some before you can receive more for either nick).

Example :
/nickserv LINK nick password


/nickserv LINK Jason Dawnfire
This would link your current Nickname to the Nick "Jason" which uses the password "Dawnfire".

Once the link has been established, your Nick will be transparently converted into the target Nick everywhere in Services (ChanServ, MemoServ), except for the NickServ UNLINK and DROP Commands.

For example, you can use either nick to read the same set of Memos (and Memos sent to either Nick will go into the same list). If you identify for one Nick, you will automatically be identified for the other as well. If either Nick is on a Channel's Access list, then both Nicks will get the same channel privileges.

In order to use this Command, you must identify for your current Nick (using the IDENTIFY Command as described above)also you must supply the Password for the Nick you wish to link with as part of the LINK Command
To reverse the LINK Command you use UNLINK

Example :
/nickserv UNLINK nick password


/nickserv UNLINK Jason Dawnfire
This would remove the link between your current Nickname and the Nick "Jason" which uses the password "Dawnfire".

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7. Additional Options for registered Nicks
You can set these Options with the SET Command after you registered your Nickname like shown above.
The following Commands/Options are accessible (you have to identify yourself on this Nick before) :

7.1 PASSWORD - Example : /nickserv SET PASSWORD NewPassword
Changes the Password which is used to identify the Nick's Owner.

7.2 LANGUAGE - Example : /nickserv SET LANGUAGE Number
Changes the Language Services (ChanServ, MemoServ, NickServ) uses when sending Messages to you (for example, when responding to a Command you send). Number should be chosen from the following list of supported Languages :
1. English
2. Italian
3. Japanese / JIS encoding
4. Japanese / EUC encoding
5. Japanese / SJIS encoding
6. Portugues (Portuguese)
7. Espaņol (Spanish)
8. Turkce (Turkish)

7.3 URL - Example : /nickserv SET URL YourURL
Associates the given URL with your Nickname. This URL will be displayed whenever someone requests Information on your Nick with the INFO Command.

7.4 EMAIL - Example : /nickserv SET EMAIL address
Associates the given E-Mail Address with your Nickname. This Address will be displayed whenever someone requests Information on your Nick with the INFO Command.

7.5 KILL - Example : /nickserv SET KILL {ON | QUICK | IMMED | OFF}
Turns the automatic Kill Protection Option for your nick on or off. With Kill Protection on, if another User tries to take your Nick, they will be given one Minute to change to another Nick, after which their nickname will be changed by NickServ.

* If you select QUICK, the User will be given only 20 Seconds to change Nicks instead of the usual 60.
* If you select IMMED, the User will be killed immediately without being warned first or given a chance to change their Nick; Please do not use this Option unless necessary. (This option may be disabled)

7.6 SECURE - Example : /nickserv SET SEClist
NickServ will not auto-kill you regardless of the setting of the KILL Option.

7.7 PRIVATE - Example : /nickserv SET PRIVATE {ON | OFF}
Turns NickServ's Privacy Option on or off for your Nick. With PRIVATE set, your Nickname will not appear in Nickname Lists generated with NickServ's LIST Command. (However, anyone who knows your Nickname can still get Information on it using the INFO Command.

7.8 PRIVMSG - Example : /nickserv SET PRIVMSG {ON | OFF}
Turns Services' private Message Option on or off for your Nick. With PRIVMSG set to on, Services will send you private Messages instead of notices it would normally send. Means there is a Window showing up where the Services Message from Chanserv, MemoServ or NickServ will be shown. Normal notices are shown in the Channel you currently look into.

7.9 HIDE - Example : /nickserv SET HIDE {EMAIL | USERMASK | QUIT} {ON | OFF}
Allows you to prevent certain pieces of Information from being displayed when someone does a NickServ INFO on your Nick. You can hide your E-Mail Address (EMAIL), last seen user@host mask (USERMASK), and the last Quit Message (QUIT). The second parameter specifies whether the Information should be displayed to others (OFF) or if it should be hidden (ON).

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8. Removing a Nickname Registration
You can also cancel the Registration for a certain nickname if you have the password and are the Owner of it. To do this you can use the DROP Command.
Example :
/nickserv DROP
This would drop your nickname from the NickServ database.

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9. Manually killing your registered nickname in case of take-over or Connection Lost
Sometimes you might lose connection to IRC and when you try to log back in it says that your Nickname is already in use. There's no need to worry because it is most likely only a Ghost-Connection with the IRC Server which has not yet timed out (Ping Timeout).
So that you do not always have to wait for it to timeout and so that you have a ability to stop someone from using your Nick. NickServ offers you two Commands :


/nickserv RECOVER Nickname NicknamePassword
Allows you to recover your Nickname if someone else has taken it. This does the same Kill that NickServ does automatically if someone tries to use a Kill-Protected Nick.
When you give this Command, NickServ will bring a fake user online with the same Nickname as the User you're trying to Recover your Nick from. This fake User will remain online for one Minute to ensure that the other User does not immediately reconnect. After this Minute, you can reclaim your Nick. Alternatively, use the RELEASE Command (see below) to get the Nick back sooner.


/nickserv RELEASE Nickname NicknamePassword
Instructs NickServ to remove any hold on your Nickname caused by automatic Kill Protection or use of the RECOVER Command. By default, such holds last for one Minute. This Command gets rid of them sooner.

In order to use the RECOVER, GHOST, RELEASE Command for a Nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that Nick's Access list, or you must supply the correct Password for the Nickname.

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10. Forgotten Nickname Passwords

If you forgot your Nickname Password you can join into #irc-help and ask the IRCOps there to retrieve it for you. They will ask you a few Questions and will make sure that you are the rightful owner first before they give it to you.

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NickServ Guide - Version 1.1
Created 1.0 - 6 September, 2000
Updated to 1.1 - 23 February, 2009