MemoServ Guide - Version 1.1

Derived from a series by Raven (former Customer Service Coordinator)

1. Introduction to MemoServ
With this Utility, which is always online like ChanServ and NickServ, you can send short Message to all other IRC Users especially if they are not online at the moment. If they are online you can message them normally with /query Nickname or doubleclick their name in the Userlist of a Channel with the left Mouse button. Both will open a separate private Chat-window with that User.

While /query can be used on every Nickname the MemoServ feature can only be used on Nicknames which are registered at Nickserv (for registering Nicknames please check in the NickServ Guide). As soon as the User then logs onto the Gamers-IRC IRC Network he/she will get a notification from MemoServ that a new Message arrived and relays your Message if the User wants to see it.

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2. Sending Memos
You can send a Memo to a Nick or to a Channel.

Please note that the Channel has to be registered with ChanServ and/or the Nickname has to be registered with NickServ in order to send a Message to it. If you are sending a Memo to a whole Channel everyone can read the Memo who has at least Level 10 Access to this Channel. This can be changed with the ChanServ Levels Command. Please check the ChanServ Guide for more Information.


/memoserv SEND NickName Message
Sends a Memo to 'NickName'

/memoserv SEND #Channel Message
Sends a Memo to "#Channel"

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3. Managing the Memo list
3.1 LIST - Example : LIST [channel] [list | NEW]
Lists your Memos. You have to be on your registered Nickname and you need to ident yourself with Nickserv before you can use this Command.

For Example /memoserv List #channelname. The Channel-part is optional. If you want to list the Memos for the registered Nickname you are currently on simply leave the Channel-part out. If you want to view Memos for a specific Channel you have to insert the Channelname in the list Command.
For example /memoserv LIST #test123. If you just want to view the Memos which you have not read yet simply use /memoserv LIST #channelname new.

Memos which are new and you have not read yet will appear with a small * in front like shown in the list below. You can also be a bit more specific with the list Command if you know the Numbers of the Messages you want to see in the list by for example writing /memoserv LIST 2-5,7-9. This will list the Memos 2,3,4,5 and 7,8,9.

3.2 READ - Example : READ [channel] {num | list | LAST | NEW}
Use this one to read your Messages.
Example: /memoserv READ NumberOfMessage
The Number is the one in the List we requested before. In this example 1 or 2.

Or you give a list of Numbers like /memoserv READ 2-5,7-9. This will open up the Memos 2,3,4,5 and 7,8,9.

You can also read the LAST or the NEW Memos with the proper parameter.
Example: /memoserv read LAST or /memoserv read NEW

3.3 DEL - Example : DEL [channel] {num | list | ALL}
Delete a Message out of the MemoServ Listing. The Messages are saved till your Nickname becomes unregistered. So if you are receiving many Messages you might want to delete some from time to time.
Example: /memoserv DEL NumberOfMessage

You can also delete a range of Memos at one time by using /memoserv DEL 2-5,7-9 for example. This will delete the Memos No. 2,3,4,5 and 7,8,9. Or if you want to delete all Memos currently saved simply use /memoserv DEL all.

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4. Additional MemoServ Options

/memoserv SET option parameters
With this Command you can set a few Options for MemoServ.
Example : /memoserv SET option parameter

4.1 NOTIFY - Example : SET NOTIFY {ON | LOGON | NEW | OFF}
With Notify you can set when you will be notified about new Memos (only for Nicknames, not working for Channels).

* ON - You will be notified of Memos when you are logging onto IRC, when you unset /AWAY and at the Moment when other Users send a Memo to you.
* LOGON - You will only be notified when you log on or when you unset /AWAY.
* NEW - You will only be notified of Memos when they are sent to you.
* OFF - You won't receive any notification of Memos but they are still saved and are viewable with the LIST and READ Command described above.

Example: /memoserv SET notify logon
ON is essentially LOGON and NEW combined.

4.2 LIMIT - Example : SET LIMIT [channel] limit
With Limit you can set a maximum Number of Memos you can have (or the given Channel).
If you set this to 0, no one will be able to send any Memos to you. However you cannot set this any higher than 20.

Example: /memoserv SET limit #test139 15

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MemoServ Guide - Version 1.1
Created 1.0 - 6 September, 2000
Updated to 1.1 - 23 February, 2009